Saturday, May 11, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Writing Odds & Ends

Welcome to the weekend!

For those who missed it, we reached funding on Star Wanderers with two weeks left on the campaign and are now working for stretch goal rewards for all readers. This means the more who back and the higher we go, the more extras every backer will receive. So if you haven't yet hopped aboard the space and sorcery train, now is your chance!

Of course, there is other recent news to go over. The above video features a rare interview with dynamite write of the mythic, Schuyler Hernstrom. There he talks about both his writing and what makes him tick as well as what his future plans entail, should he have the opportunity. Be sure to give it a watch and pick up his books if you have yet to. He is quite incredible and has a good deal to say.

Another recent project you might have missed was J. Manfred Weichsel's Sword & Scandal anthology project on Kickstarter. A short explanation: Weichsel is a controversial writer who tends to use explicit and dark material to bring greater light and clarification on issues you might not expect. While his work is not for everyone, and especially not the young, it is very unique and one of a kind. And now he is funding an anthology meant to bring others along for the ride. Be sure to give the campaign a glance. It's 1/3 funded already and on its way.

I would also be remiss to not bring up a new market for short stories. High Tower Magazine, a new project by several Superversive alumni, just recently started up. You can visit the site here and learn everything about who is involved and their submission guidelines. The goal is apparently to start out slow and roll out from there. Give it a look over and see if it's your thing. We need more markets for short stories, after all.

Lastly, author and musician David V. Stewart put out a video in his recent Writestream series that shows the step by step project on how to publish a book on Amazon. He also does it live, which makes it invaluable for those of you struggling to figure it out.

He also had a recent video revisiting his opinions on the influx of Boomer Hate, which is also worth the watch. It is not as simple as both the young and old think it is.

We talk a lot about generational theory, mostly how it works on a spectrum, but the overblown nature of those who both think stereotypes aren't real yet go out of their way to act them out in great detail says a lot about why these discussions exist in the first place. There is much more to this than the growing desire among many to become a living cartoon character, and it is good to have more discussions where self-awareness is brought to the forefront. Kayfabe is one thing, but playing a part that isn't you is a recipe for disaster.

To be honest, despite leaving the 2010s behind, many of us have either clung stubbornly to old ways that were already dead then, or have turned against all we once knew in an attempt to be some sort of pseudo-Gen X style snarky revolutionary from on one of those terrible streaming series that fall out of fashion every day. Neither is ideal, but it's also a complex topic many have been going over for years.

Regardless, that's all for this week! It's a bit light in quantity but not quality. There were at least a few things worth sharing as we passed the halfway point of Star Wanderers.

What is exciting is the recent weather shift around my area. The cold is finally starting to give way to warmth, which is good to see with summer on the way. We're about due for some nice weather around here, and I hope you're getting some wherever you are.

Have a good weekend and I will see you next week!

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