Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Revenge of the Big Summer Book Sale!

It's that time of the year once again for readers to be inundated with an avalanche of books to choose from! Welcome back to the summer sale! Curated by author Hans G Shantz here, You have no shortage of selections. In fact, you might be overwhelmed with choice.

Therefore, I'm going to try to highlight some here! There are some you might have breezed past when going over the list. It's simply just going to happen with so many options.

To get the obvious out of the way, I have two books in the sale that you might have missed the first go around. The first is Someone is Aiming for You & Other Adventures, a short story collection of interlocking tales about a magic infested city and the heroes looking to clean it out. The second is Gemini Warrior, the first book in the four volume Gemini Man saga about twin heroes bouncing between a world of powers and a world of magic! Also, as always, Two Adventures Across Eternity is permanently at $0.99 so check that out as well and, if you can, leaving a review would always be appreciated to let other potential readers know your thoughts.

One last thing before we get started, I also wanted to put in a reminder for three crowdfunds currently ongoing. These ones are very close to finished.

David Skinner's Stellar Stories Kickstarter is looking to reach the $600 stretch goal in order to offer every backer a FREE novella co-written with weird author superstar Misha Burnett! So not only can you get up to 25 short stories, you can also get everyone including yourself a whole new story on top of it. Make sure to check that one out here! The goal is very close!

The second crowdfund is William Hastings' The Other Fellow campaign for a retro spy novel. This one is hoping to reach its $1500 stretch goal in order to offer a bonus short story for backers! There's less than two weeks on the campaign, enough to put it over the top and potentially reach even more stretch goals. You can find that one here!

Lastly, the Ursula of Ulm Kickstarter has less than 24 hours left and is funded, so this is the final call. Now is the chance to hop on the hype train! You can find it here!

In related Star Wanderers news, my proofs were finally released from customs on the 18th of June, which hopefully means I will get them in this week, God willing. As soon as I get them I will give them the look through they need and inform Cirsova of anything that needs tweaking. We should be good to go very, very soon. Thank you for your patience!

Now, let us get to the books!

You might have heard Jacob Calta's name all over the NewPub space recently, and for good reason. He is a one man wrecking crew of a designer, a musician (he also composed the three tracks for Star Wanderers!), and a writer, an everyman that wants to do everything. And that isn't even all he does.

He has four books in the sale, and I recommend them all, but I'm going to put The Electric Anthology on the list for two reasons. The first is that I am apparently responsible for helping its creation, and the second is that it's a perfect summer read.

These are short little nuggets of tales, some horror, some adventure, some just day to day tomfoolery, all taking place in the author's world of 365 Infantry. If you are feeling daunted with the possibility of diving into his quickly expanding body of work then I can recommend starting here. With 38 different bit-sized stories you'll have plenty to dig into.

Here is the description:

Looking to get lost in the age of sprawling dystopias and wild wolven frontiers? Then this is the book for YOU!

365 Infantry: The Electric Anthology is an annual collection of every pint-sized tale released between issues of the quarterly sci-fi Substack magazine, from weekly flash-fiction series Red Light Bytes to special collections to the monthly madhouse of Solar Joint Stories.

Volume I contains 38 UNIQUE TALES from series writer Jacob Calta, providing a special window into Haven and Wasteland life thru a wide array of eyes, from familiar stars of the magazine’s ongoing adventures to average hounds experiencing the small joys, great pains, and madcap escapades the future has in store!

Highlights include the working-wolf comedy “We Are the Road Crew,” the father-and-son adventure of “Pop Was a Rock-Climber,” the solemn soul-baring of “Confessions of a White Coat,” the bizarre gin-joint ramblings like “The Tale of the Blood-Red Biker,” and the special Independence Day collection 4th in the 25th alongside scores more!

From the depths of the wolven mind to the edge of its dangerous world, The Electric Anthology Vol. I delivers all the thrills, chills, and surreal entertainment of the trail-blazing series in bite-sized chunks of pulp excitement, madcap humor, and thoughtful speculative fiction. For fans wanting more, this is your ticket to ride the cutting edge!

Once again, you can find The Electric Anthology: Volume One here!

Yakov Merkin is another name in NewPub you've probably come across more times than you'd think. He's done a lot from light novels to a manga series he's currently creating, but his first big project was this space opera series. On sale is the first book, A Greater Duty!

I don't think I have to go in too big a detail of what being a space opera entails, though you can probably figure it out for yourself just  by the cover. It's an example of what you see is what you get, in the best way possible.

Here is the descrption:

The Galactic Alliance was not ready for war. When it is suddenly invaded by the cold and relentless Tyrannodon Armada, under the command of emotionless, amoral Executor Darkclaw, it is immediately sent reeling.

The invasion was a godsend for some, however, such as Grand Admiral Nayasar Khariah, who had wanted nothing more than revenge on the Alliance following an attack on her homeworld. The arrival of the Tyrannodons presents her with an opportunity, one that she seizes gleefully.

However, Executor Darkclaw, who has been prosecuting the invasion on orders of his master, the all-powerful energy being known only as the High Lord, has started having second thoughts once he unexpectedly starts feeling emotions he does not understand. Suddenly, he finds himself heretically questioning the only purpose he has ever known—irrevocably altering his view of the ongoing war.

Meanwhile, within the Galactic Alliance, Second Scion Dalcon Oresh, member of an order dedicated to preserving the it, struggles to stop the Alliance’s bleeding, the source of which may not be entirely external.

Darkclaw’s newfound friendship with Nayasar will be pushed to its breaking point, Nayasar’s relationships with her closest friends and loved ones will be strained as her quest for vengeance becomes more and more a personal obsession, and Dalcon must determine who he can truly trust.

All the while, the imminent existential threat of the High Lord looms over everything, and the key to stopping him, and saving not just the Alliance, but the entire galaxy, may only be found in the remains of a ancient, powerful race, and the creations they left behind…
Once again, you can find A Greater Duty here!

I was very impressed by the absolute madcap energy and chaotic spirit of N. R. LaPoint's Gun Magus that I would be hard pressed to not recommend his intergalactic dinosaur shooter series of books now that the first is on sale. With a title like Death Planet, how can you not?

That said, LaPoint is the sort of author that Don Pendleton would have sought out back in the day to write Mack Bolan. If you've been hankering for a story where action is plentiful, the good guys are good, and righteousness wins out, then he is your author. And again, the book is called Death Planet and has a dinosaur on the cover. What else do you need?

Here is the description:

The Vidarian scourge has swept through many star systems, killing and enslaving in an endless invasion.

When his home world is targeted, Ambrose Weaver flees with a crew of exiles. Hunted down and forced to crash land on the mysterious planet Typhon, they soon find their escape from sure death has only led them to new troubles and prehistoric dangers.

The dinosaurs are only the beginning.

Can Ambrose and his crew brave primeval jungles and survive a planet filled with horror?

Once again, you can find Death Planet here!

Fenton Wood is a difficult writer to pin down, and a great example of the spirit of NewPub. Unbridled imagination, and a sheer love of possibility, even his story premises read like something you've never seen before.

This time his first book, Pirates of the Electromagnetic Woods is in the sale, and still remains a bit of joint with what you might expect from narrow genre labels. You'll see elements of every old label from alt-history to hard sf, but none of them accurately contain the adventure in these pages. Check this one out if you haven't. You won't see anything like it anywhere else.

The description is here:

A young radio engineer travels across an alt-history America, encountering primeval gods, mythical beasts, and tall tales come to life, in a quest to build a radio transmitter that can reach the stars.

It all starts in the mountain town of Porterville.

Twelve-year-old Philo starts a pirate radio station with his friends, and learns that the world is a stranger place than he ever imagined.

The Ancient Marauder, the Bright and Terrible Birds, the Mishipeshu, and other creatures of myth and legend populate this enchanting mixture of science and fantasy.

YANKEE REPUBLIC is an old-school adventure series with traditional values and down-to-earth heroes. Escape from the pessimism and propaganda of modern fiction, and take a journey through a mythic America that might have been.

Once again, you can find Pirates of the Electromagnetic Woods here!

I don't think John C. Wright needs any introduction here, and you might even question why I'd need to highlight him, but I will because Swan Knight's Son is a book unlike any other. To many, this is still considered his best work.

Part coming of age and part living mythology come to life, this isn't the usual YA fare that has been cluttering OldPub shelves for decades. Because when you dig into a Wright book you tend to fall deeper into something you never thought possible. This book is a perfect example of that.

Here is the description:

Gilberic Parzival Moth is a strange and lonely boy who has grown up without a father, raised by a single mother who moves from town to town in fear of something she will not name. His only friends are animals, with whom he has always been able to speak. But when he awakens one night at the Thirteenth Hour, and sees for the first time the cruel reality of the secret rule of Elf over Man, he begins to learn about his true heritage, the heritage of Twilight.

And when his mother finally tells him the terrible truth of her past, he must choose whether to continue running with her in fear, or learning how to fight against ancient powers that are ageless, soulless, and ultimately damned. SWAN KNIGHT'S SON is the first book of THE GREEN KNIGHT'S SQUIRE, the first volume of MOTH & COBWEB, an astonishing new series about magical worlds of Day, Night, and Twilight by John C. Wright.

John C. Wright is one of the living grandmasters of science fiction and the author of THE GOLDEN AGE, AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND, and IRON CHAMBER OF MEMORY, to name just three of his exceptional books. He has been nominated for the Nebula Award, for the Hugo Award, and his novel SOMEWHITHER won the 2016 Dragon Award for Best Science Fiction Novel at Dragoncon.

Once again, you can find Swan Knight's Son here!

And that's all from me for today.

There are plenty of other authors worth checking into in the sale, so be sure to skin it for yourself here! There's no shortage of great stuff to look out for. And the summer is just getting started.

So check out all the cool books on sale, make sure to escape the heat, and I will see you next time. We've got some interesting news ahead, trust me!

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