Saturday, February 15, 2025

Weekend Lounge ~ What is Slop?

Welcome to the weekend! We're back!

Things have been more than a bit crazy over here, and I'm hoping they settle down a bit soon. Until then, I'll try to get back into. Today, let us talk about some trends.

One of the recent subjects that's come up a lot recently has been the subject of "slop" and how it has gotten so prevalent in modern culture. The above video talks a bit about it, but the whole idea has been one of wondered about for some time.

At what point is it that we desired the bare minimum in regards to everything, where we wanted just the base experience with nothing but irrelevant additions like an IP name or trope lists? When was it acceptable to just want to consume product and move onto next product?

I have long held a theory that post-9/11 "Geek Culture" was the first movement to turn creativity into slop, a formula made of tropes, IPs, and Politically Correct attitudes and ideas. Before it was used in the 2010s to shape "geek" tastes and beliefs it existed in the 2000s as an identity (one that never existed before) where what you consumed made you what you were. As long as you consumed the slop and repeated back the right code words, you were good to go. It evolved from there to the current state 20 years later where slop is not only expected, it's seen as inevitable.

But it wasn't always this way, and I don't believe it will be this way in the future.

For now, however? We are stuck with slop culture and have to adjust accordingly. That doesn't mean that we have to enjoy or even participate in it. We simply have to be aware of the trap it sets and to avoid falling into it.

Things have changed a lot since the 20th century ended, and though we still try to cling to those old attitudes and trends that have long worn out relevance, we have only started recently discovering things aren't what they used to be. Those days are gone, and what is coming ahead is an entirely new world--one where "slop" has no place.

What that will be remains to be seen. We'll just have to keep pushing ahead and see for ourselves. Either way, it's time to aim higher once again.

And that's all for this week. I've got some projects to get back to. Until then, check out the big book sale for this Valentine's Day weekend. There are some bangers in here. Not much slop, as NewPub itself thrives on aiming a bit higher.

Until next time! Have yourself a good weekend.

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