Saturday, May 25, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Time

Welcome to the weekend!

A short one this week. I mainly wanted to talk about Star Wanderers not only funding but hitting two stretch goals! I am very appreciate to all backers for helping make this one of Cirsova's most successful campaigns as well as mine. Every single one of you is to thank for letting it happen and allowing us the chance to make it the best possible book it can be.

Next up are checking the proofs and getting the free trading card laid out as Jacob Calta works on the bonus track for the Star Wanderers EP! Once all of that is sorted out, we can get on with rolling out fulfillment.

Regardless, I am once again very thankful for everyone who backed, shared the campaign around, or was just generally supportive. There are a lot of you! Thank you for all of your assistance in getting Star Wanderers out.

Today is a small update, but I also wanted to leave you with this video shared with me on Twitter/X about Time. It's not too long, but it delivers a very important message about priorities and understanding what we can best spend our time doing. Considering how noisy and chaotic the modern world is, it's a message we all need a reminder of. I know I do.

In case you missed the update, I will leave you with the final cover for Star Wanderers that was unveiled on the last day. It's a banger!

Told you it was great!

That's all for this week. Until the next time!

In case you missed it, my story "City Eater" was in Sidearm & Sorcery, Volume Two!

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