Saturday, January 18, 2025

Weekend Lounge ~ Winter Stories

Welcome to the weekend! We're about halfway through the longest (and slowest) month of the year, but there are a few pieces of news to share so deep into the season. 

I've been spending most of my free time getting some stories in the can before I finally return to Phantom War and dive into that for the majority of my 2025 writing output. This is the best time of the year to get extra stuff done because it is the one least likely to contain nasty derailing surprises in life to get you off track, and, so far that's been working out.

Related to that, I guess I can announce here that I've been accepted to Mistcreek Tales and the related Pulp Rock anthologies with my stories "Lightning Jim" and "Spirt Rock," respectively. The former is the first in a new series of shorts about a nameless protagonist in the 2000s wandering through the backroads on the way to his destination. The second is the fourth and longest story so far in the Night Rhythm series about a traveling band in the distant future. Each of the other three starred a different band member. This one? It has all of them. These are stories I'm very excited to finally share with you. So look forward to those!

There's also been a new episode of the podcast put up. This one I decided to talk a bit about an author I don't like very much, though it is not so much on a technical level but a deeper one. I discuss Stephen King here in the newest episode.

For the weather, January is also known to be the most miserable, cold and snow-covered to contrast with the time that is supposed to be the most promising for change in the year ahead. So today's video is about a place known for its terrible winter weather, the cold white north. Enjoy three stories about the old Catholic Quebec as it deals with the frosted unknown threatening to tear into beyond their walls. When we say the old stories have more to do with the pulps than you'd think, this is what we mean. These tales of the past may hint at the future bearing down on the road ahead, too. Food for thought, I suppose.

Quick update on Cannon Cruisers: we're working on new episodes and will have one up this weekend in the middle of January to tide you over. January is always the month we slow down, for obvious reasons, and this year isn't any different. We've got some fun stuff ahead, though, so hopefully it'll be ready to go by February.

Anyway, have yourself a relaxing January weekend and see you soon.

This is going to be a wild year!

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