Saturday, February 22, 2025

Weekend Lounge ~ The Third Place

Welcome back!

The weekend's here, so lets have a bit of fun.

There's been much discussion recently of reclaiming smaller things we've forgotten over the years, perhaps even subtle things we hadn't even considered before. One of the recent discussions has centered around "slop" and what we've allowed our entertainment and art to fall into. We've essentially given up trying or aiming for anything higher, our priorities on other things.

Another related and yet less talked about topic, is the loss of the Third Place. One might argue the loss is at the crux of everything we've been going through since Cultural Ground Zero put a wrecking ball to everything so long ago.

If you've been interested in the decay we've been going through for any amount of time by now then you've almost certainly heard of Robert Putnam's Bowling Alone, a book that came out a quarter of a century ago which saw all the patterns that had already formed and the cracks that led to pale artificial replacements like "Geek Culture" to consume an entire cohort of youth into a New Religion and way of life. The problem became centered on the "Normie" and the solution was to relate to those who consumed the same product you did instead. There was nothing else to it. You were a Victim and everyone was out to get you.

And, obviously, that mentality didn't work out too well.

One of the expressions no one had really brought up over this quarter century was the idea of the "Third Place" in life, something Bowling Alone described as its main thesis, and something which has faded away into irrelevance in the war on everything that is modern life. All this despite the fact that we clearly desire connection while fighting hard against finding it at the same time. It's a giant mess, but we're used to it by now. We don't want to accept it's not normal or healthy, for whatever reason. And we're paying for it.

The video above gives a good description of the topic. The Third Place is, as described, the third important place in life. The first being Home and the second being Work. Home is where we can relax and recharge on our own and with those closest to us. Work is where we show another side of ourselves, using effort to achieve something separate from Home and our relationships there. You know how you always felt awkward as a kid when your parents talked to your teachers? There's a reason for that. Instinctively, you knew those two places should be separate. Mashing those together hasn't been all too great a change either, but that's not the topic today.

The Third Place is a neutral public space between the other two where we can connect with other people away from the others. In fact, part of the three places that makes them important is that it disconnects us from the other two and gives us a break and a way to discover new sides of ourselves. All three are important.

The third can be as simple as a restaurant, a bar, or a club, a place where you are detached somewhat from the other two places, throwing in some unpredictability and odd comfort into your day to day routine. And it no longer exists in the modern world.

The issue is that all three places have been heavily damaged in recent years. Home has turned into a bunker from the world, a place where Work is not only brought into but made the place where it is frequently done the most. Work has no stability and therefore contains no trust or growth of basic work relationships beyond tentative trust for as long as your inevitably short employment exists for. The Third Place, however, is completely gone and destroyed from modern life, taken out back and shot. And we're feeling its effects today.

There is no public neutral place to go, and they are rapidly dying out. In the process, we are losing community connections and turning into a block of strangers who sometimes see each other when we dare go out to... well, to do what? Going out is now seen as an annoyance, taking you away from your bunker. It's a nuisance, not a break. Eventually, the way things are going. we won't even need to go out to get groceries anymore. Then what happens?

All of this is killing community worse than Putnam ever imagined it would. Remember, his book was written before social media, lockdown world, and door dash. We've fought hard to kill off connection since Bowling Alone first released, and we're not quite turning it around yet. Local life is dying everywhere as we anticipate plugging into the cloud instead.

I know where I am the streets are fairly deserted and even the weekend makes no difference anymore. It is a ghost town of door dash drivers and empty buildings and sidewalks. There are no clubs, no hobby groups, not even church gatherings, anymore. It's just a large concentrated block of people who do everything they can to avoid each other. That's all it is and all it has become.

What is being built up by this attitude? What is the purpose of burrowing away into ourselves at the expense of both our own health and everyone else around us? We all know the answer to that, and we're well aware of where we're going is not anywhere good.

On the plus side, this topic is being brought up again more and more in discourse, because now there is no one who doesn't know, and doesn't pretend, that any of this is leading to a healthier society. We know it's not. We just have yet to figure out a solution beyond fancy words and promises. We need more than that. The answer involves bringing back the Third Place, and until we do, we'll be trapped circling the drain.

That's all for this week! Have yourself a good rest and get ready for March! We're almost there and out of the endless winter.

I can't wait until we finally are.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Weekend Lounge ~ What is Slop?

Welcome to the weekend! We're back!

Things have been more than a bit crazy over here, and I'm hoping they settle down a bit soon. Until then, I'll try to get back into. Today, let us talk about some trends.

One of the recent subjects that's come up a lot recently has been the subject of "slop" and how it has gotten so prevalent in modern culture. The above video talks a bit about it, but the whole idea has been one of wondered about for some time.

At what point is it that we desired the bare minimum in regards to everything, where we wanted just the base experience with nothing but irrelevant additions like an IP name or trope lists? When was it acceptable to just want to consume product and move onto next product?

I have long held a theory that post-9/11 "Geek Culture" was the first movement to turn creativity into slop, a formula made of tropes, IPs, and Politically Correct attitudes and ideas. Before it was used in the 2010s to shape "geek" tastes and beliefs it existed in the 2000s as an identity (one that never existed before) where what you consumed made you what you were. As long as you consumed the slop and repeated back the right code words, you were good to go. It evolved from there to the current state 20 years later where slop is not only expected, it's seen as inevitable.

But it wasn't always this way, and I don't believe it will be this way in the future.

For now, however? We are stuck with slop culture and have to adjust accordingly. That doesn't mean that we have to enjoy or even participate in it. We simply have to be aware of the trap it sets and to avoid falling into it.

Things have changed a lot since the 20th century ended, and though we still try to cling to those old attitudes and trends that have long worn out relevance, we have only started recently discovering things aren't what they used to be. Those days are gone, and what is coming ahead is an entirely new world--one where "slop" has no place.

What that will be remains to be seen. We'll just have to keep pushing ahead and see for ourselves. Either way, it's time to aim higher once again.

And that's all for this week. I've got some projects to get back to. Until then, check out the big book sale for this Valentine's Day weekend. There are some bangers in here. Not much slop, as NewPub itself thrives on aiming a bit higher.

Until next time! Have yourself a good weekend.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Year Start Signal Boost!

Back it Here!

Welcome back! It's been a little bit, but I've finally got something new for you. It's the time of year when NewPub creatives finally start rolling, so lets dig into it.

Now is the start of the year when crowdfunds finally begin in earnest, so here are a few campaigns to get you started!

The first is the above Catch the Lightning: The Art and Craft of Writing Romance campaign! Want to know how to write romance, or just want to know more about it? Then check out this campaign today. You're guaranteed a lot of great advice.

Learn more about it below:

"Our previous course, The Art and Craft of Writing, taught authors how to bring their writing to the next level by understanding the nuts and bolts (Craft) of writing to bring out the grace and beauty (Art) of it. Now, The Art and Craft of Writing Romance will do the same, focusing on the core of romance stories: the emotional arc bringing your hero and heroine together.

"In simple and clear language, this course explains what makes a romance work (Craft) and how to bring this work to life (Art) on the page of your manuscript. Discover how to catch the lightning of desire so as to electrify readers; weave obstacles so daunting as to wring readers’ hearts. Learn how the more your hero and heroine resist their longing for each other, the more the reader yearns to see them through to their happily ever after. Learn to pull your readers in and help them feel the rollercoaster of your hero and heroine's emotional ride!

"About the Instructor:
L. Jagi Lamplighter is a published author, a professional editor, and a writing teacher with decades of experience analyzing stories and figuring out what makes them work. She has written everything from hints of sweet romance at a magical school to the complicated loves and lives of Shakespeare's fae in the modern day, and edited everything from far-future science fiction with a sweet romance subplot to contemporary romances set in Texas."

For those who don't know, Jagi has been my main editor for around a decade now. You can be certain she is very knowledgeable in what she's talking about when it comes to anything to do with writing and creativity. Therefore, this project is guaranteed to be a great one.

Once again, you can back it here!

Now let's move to the next project:

Back it here!

That's right, it's the return of Mongoose & Meerkat! This time it's a complete series deluxe release for anyone who might have missed it. This is the ultimate release of the NewPub sword and sorcery series and meant to be an easy place to collect it all.

Cirsova and Jim Breyfogle have been a double team of great storytelling for years now. A good reason why I approached Cirsova for Star Wanderers was because of how well the two of them worked together on their projects. Therefore, if you missed out, I can promise you that this is the perfect place to jump on.

The description:

He's a brash young bravo, eager to prove his worth with a blade. She's a mysterious rogue with a head for history and razor cunning. Together, they are the Mongoose and Meerkat!

Whether they're looting haunted dungeons, fighting demons and necromancers, or just settling labor disputes, this swashbuckling duo is ready for anything! Mangos would love nothing more than to earn a name for himself and keep himself comfortably in coin. Kat, however, has more far-reaching plans for her wealth.

The City State of Alness has fallen to a band of mercenaries and brigands who have ravaged the north lands. Amidst the rumors that an Alnessi royal may have survived, the Mongoose and Meerkat must navigate all manner of intrigue and betrayal to win the fame and fortune necessary to restore the once-mighty city.

Originally serialized in 18 installments from 2017 through 2023 in Cirsova Magazine, Jim Breyfogle's Mongoose and Meerkat became one of the iconic Sword & Sorcery teams of the Pulp Revolution. Now, you can have all of their adventures in a single gorgeous volume!

Plus, this collection includes an all-new side-story, Chasing the Cat Sword, featuring the mercenary sisters Daini and Kairi and has world-shaking implications for the Mongoose and Meerkat lore!

Once again, you can find it here!

Next, let us go into weirder territory, as we usually like to around here.

Back it Here!

For those who remember the scandalous Sword & Scandal campaign, comes the follow-up: Jungle Scandals! The previous hit campaign was based on the idea of Sword & Sorcery tales that get a little too close for comfort. This one aims for the lesser-known these days jungle tales. Stories of the deep dark that get a little deeper and darker than might be comfortable.

I've always had a mixed relationship with NSFW stories because of how one-note they tend to be, but J. Manfred Weichsel always manages to make them interesting in a way that has me considering a new angle on a topic. So while such things are not usually easy to recommend, I would always do so here for those who want to try something a little bit off the beaten trail.

The description:

"This time around, we're touring the jungles of the world, taking stops in Africa, Indonesia, and the Amazon, and we'll be taking our inspiration from the likes of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, and H. Rider Haggard.

"But, while those writers all had more or less Victorian sensibilities, we'll be filling the pages of our book with more gratuitous nudity, sex, and gore than you can possibly imagine! Some today find the old writers problematic. We think they're not nearly problematic enough!

"These stories will retain the sense of fun and wonder from the jungle adventures of old. But they will be absolutely insane with all the sex! If you read our last book, then you know we don't hold anything back.

"Just like Sword & Scandal did, Jungle Scandals will have an open call for submissions. The submission guidelines will be posted in various places around the web where authors go looking for open calls. This process makes selecting the stories democratic, and ensures the anthology gets the best writing it possibly can.

"Last time, we received 47 submissions, out of which we selected 11 stories totaling 60,000 words, plus the 5,600-word story author and editor J. Manfred Weichsel wrote with the backer who selected the design-your-own-story tier. Including the editorial material, the book totaled almost 70,000 words.

"Because we are a little more established this time around and have a bit of buzz, we expect Jungle Scandals to receive even more submissions than Sword & Scandal did.

"Unlike other publishers who tend to play it safe with their selections, we will be looking for the wild, strange, and outrageous. We want to publish off-beat and off-the-wall fiction that would never otherwise get to see the light of day.

"Humor is also a big part of what we do. We will actively look for stories that incorporate a similar sense of humor as ours: dry, sardonic, and satirical. We enjoy humor that is character-driven, dark, and surreal. But we also like farce."

You can find the campaign here!

One more to go:

Back it Here!

Lets end it off with something a little different. This is the coming On My Ghost by Ghostmaya. This is comic romance series currently running on Webtoons, and this it the most recent crowdfunding campaign for it.

To explain all the intricacies of the story would take some time, so I'll just cut to the chase with the overall gist of it.

The description:

Oh My Ghost is a wholesome Action Comedy Romance Supernatural Horror Mystery webtoon series that is currently 7 seasons with 1000+ episodes ~

The narrative is about a human guy, (Loi), a poor guy who is desperate to find a place to stay. So, Loi decided to live in a very cheap haunted house where he will meet Maya, the ghost, who is scared Of ghosts and other scary stuffs. and who likes to eat. Yes, you READ IT RIGHT~! This ghost can eat because logic is useless here in this series~

For more information, you can be here!

And that's all for this time. The year's just starting but already you can find a little bit of everything just waiting for you. February has just started but I can promise you many more surprises ahead, including from myself.

Until then, just dig in for yourself and enjoy the wild world of NewPub. There's plenty to go around, and it's not stopping anytime soon.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Weekend Lounge ~ Down but Not Out

Welcome to the weekend!

I'm sorry it's been a bit longer than usual recently. I both got hit with something going around and had to deal with something very annoying in my personal life. It's been tough trying to stay on track with my focus taken like that.

As a consequence, there's not been much to talk about recently. So instead I'll leave you with a quick update and a video on shadow people. You never know just what lies waiting in the dark.

February is here, and winter is nearly at an end. So here's hoping we can make it through to its conclusion. Not much further left to go!