Saturday, August 17, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Ninja Insanity

Welcome back! I hope you've had a great week.

As you might have been able to see by last week's post, Star Wanderers is out mass market and available for all! At the same time as that, if you missed out on the soundtrack by the very talented Jacob Calta (who currently has a crowdfund of his own going on!) then you can find that right here. Personally, I think he did a fantastic job nailing the strange feel of the stories and making tunes that will stick in your head long after they've ended.

One last thing, I put out a new podcast episode, but this one is available for free. The reason for it is that the subject is very general to the point I think it would benefit anyone. The subject is about becoming a writer and just getting started. The idea was to create a free alternative to the plentiful How-to book industry that tends to throw out confusing and contradictory advice which waylays a lot of aspiring and beginning writers from starting proper. Be sure to give that a listen here. Again, this one is free, even though it's on the Patreon.

We also just past Chapter 10 in Phantom Mission and have passed the two third mark. It's just only starting to get wild, though, so be sure to join the Patreon and catch up! This is one the oddest stories I've ever written.

On topic, today's subject is a fun one. This is a video detailing the rise of the ninja archetype in film, starting from its beginnings in early Japanese cinema to its utter explosion and dominance of action films in the 1980s. It's a long video that goes over 150+(!) movies, so get your notepad handy. You're going to want to jot some of this down.

I can't really say what is it specifically about the ninja that attracts so much attention. Is it their mysterious nature? Is it how invincible they seem? Is it how they can be anywhere and seemingly do anything? Who knows. But they did make smorgasbord of movies about them over the decades and it doesn't seem like they're ready to stop anytime soon. Even the fall of action movies hasn't stop ninja flicks from coming out. They are truly immortal.

Anyway, it's a long video, so I recommend grabbing a snack, sitting back and lounging, and putting aside some spare time. You might be blown away by what you see.

August is only halfway over, and there's still a month of summer yet to go, but we've got some fun surprises coming up even still. I know I've got more than a few irons still in the fire (and yet others I need to get to after this post is out) so I will leave you here for today. As always, thanks for coming by! I really do appreciate it.

Have yourself a good week and I will see you next time!

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