Saturday, August 3, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Signal Boost Slate!

Welcome to the weekend, let's get into some new books!

It's been a bit since I did one of these, but since we're neck deep in summer and a wave of crushing heat, now is the time to highlight some upcoming greatness you might not be aware of. We've got a bit of a list going for you all today, so check it out.

I'm just going to jump straight into them to give you a great list of upcoming adventure you might have missed out on!

Without further ado, here we go:

Silence and Starsong Volume 2

First up is the campaign ending in less than a week for Silence & Starsong Volume 2! For those unaware, this is a magazine of stories that aims towards the more Christian tradition of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis of adventure tales with a bit of meaning packed in. I have read a bit of their work and it is definitely worth checking out.

They currently have three issues out you can check on Amazon to see if it's your thing, but they are also taking orders for issue four on their campaign page so you could check them out that way. Regardless, there are plenty of options to peruse their output.

Here is the campaign description:

"Remember a time when heroes were good and villains were evil, when characters wrestled with God and found meaning? Remember when a story had a good ending? It’s time to write and read those stories again. Now in the tradition of the great authors comes an anthology honoring the past and seeking the future. Silence and Starsong is proud to announce Volume 2 Issue 1 of our groundbreaking anthology.

"For today’s and future generations of adventurers, explorers, and pioneers, Silence and Starsong promises unique stories that meld the strength of faith with uncompromising imagination, spinning tales of meaning and excitement by the pens of some of the finest in fantasy, horror, action/adventure, science fiction and more."

You can find Silence & Starsong campaign here! Remember, it ends in a few days!

Lost Kingdom: A Fantasy Novel Set In Space!

Comic maverick Nick Gibson is the owner of Phoenix Press, but now he is moving into traditional style prose books. With this campaign he is hoping for editing and physical production to get his brand new book up and running. This is Lost Kingdom! But what is said book about?

According to the campaign it is a mashup of space adventure and distant mythic storytelling. The sort of thing that could not be published in OldPub today. But, as always, if you want the full picture you'll have to see the campaign page yourself!

The description:

Imagine a man who has forsaken all he once stood for.

Imagine a boy that is the literal hope for the Sol System.

These are the stakes as the former Captain General of The Kings Guard, Justen Lamont, is forced to come face to face with the thing he dreads most: his past.

But for the young boy, all of these are meaningless. It's only the present that matters, and right now, the present isn't looking too hot.

Set in our solar system far into the future. This is a story of Kings.

Of Honor and Regret

Of Love and Betrayal

And most importantly

Of being the person you wish to be.

Designed to be a mixture of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. You can expect to see medieval villages in a far-flung, drifter colony

A palace atop the lush green of Mars

Battles with giant Kappa atop a hill on Venus. The acid rain bearing down

Journeys through the wasteland that is Old Earth. Its surface long since abandoned.

But like all good tales, this is the story of people and the choices they make.

You can find Lost Kingdom here!

The Gold Exigency: Wild Stars VII

Cirsova's Wild Stars campaigns continue for Michael Tierney's 40 year old epic space opera series! We pass the halfway point here with Book VII, already funded, but still hoping to grab a little more both for the creators involved as well as for funding next year's Cirsova lineup! If you any of the above, this is the title for you!

I'm not sure how much I can really go into this beyond that this is the sort of thing mainstream publishing fumbled the ball with since it began, and it took until Cirsova coming around to finally give it the focus and attention it needed. This is the sort of thing NewPub exists for!

The description:

Welcome to the 40th Anniversary of the world of Wild Stars!

Thousands of years ago, Mankind was led on an exodus to the stars by an immortal warlord from beyond our galaxy to save them from an alien-caused cataclysm. Those who remained and survived the attack became the ancestors of modern humans; those who went into space became the Wild Stars.

Following their return to our galaxy, Earth's Wild Stars cousins observed and assisted in myriad crises, though largely from the shadows. As humanity took to the stars again on their own, it became time for mankind--the people of Earth, the space trekking terraformers, and the Wild Stars--to reunite as one race.

The peace talks, however, were the target of a terrorist attack that led to the death of Erlik, one of the foremost princes of the Wild Stars!

You can find Wild Stars VII here!

Ayla Rin (Novel & Comic!)

Author Jon Del Arroz is a controversial figure in the NewPub world, but that does not mean his work should be avoided. This campaign is for his Ayla Rin space opera series, which is simultaneously a comic book and a novel, though they are each original stories.

That's right, his campaign seeks to fund the production of a sequel to both his first Ayla Rin comic and novel, continuing both strands at once. It's an ambitious project and one that has gathered a lot of support for good reason. If you miss excitement of space adventure and traveling the unknown, you should be sure to check this campaign out! You can even catch up with what you missed if you're coming in late.

The description:

The Terran Imperium Chronicles is the universe in which Ayla Rin operates. She has adventures in both comic and prose novel form which makes this a unique multimedia experience in science fiction. The current reading order is: 
  • OVERMIND (comic)
  • The Immortal Edge (novel)
  • The Hidden Emperor (comic)
  • Into The Black (novel)
While each book is completely standalone and has its own full beginning, middle, and end, the series paints a broader picture of what's going on in the galaxy. Read the complete series to get an incredible experience!

You can find the Ayla Run campaign here!

365 Infantry: The Ride for 2025

I would also be remiss to mention a campaign that has not started yet but is scheduled for next week. This is 365 Infantry: The Ride for 2025 by NewPub journeyman Jacob Calta. It's bound to be a wild ride, indeed.

For those unaware, for a couple of years now, Calta has been putting out constant stories in his 365 Infantry series on Substack and even releasing them in bound paperback editions. It is a tale of anthropomorphic wolves in the distant future where a mad AI has taken over and our heroes and rogues must work together to beat it--though that's only part of the story. There is much more to it, as it's an entire world.

There's no official description yet since the page isn't yet live, but it is meant to describe the more detailed plan in funding this ambitious project for 2025. You can save the project for now and get in on the ground floor when it launches in a mere few days!

And that's all for now. I'm sure there are more campaigns coming up or out that I've missed--there are just so many of them these days, and they're all funding in record time. The NewPub space really is on fire these days.

That said, be sure to check the above projects out when you have the spare moment. Helping creators with their art is the first step to ensure they can make more and help overhaul the current scene that exists in its dilapidated state today.

That's all for this week, have yourself a wonderful start of August, and remember to stay cool! The heat isn't over just yet!

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