Saturday, October 26, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Missing Hyperborea

Welcome to the weekend!

The weather's getting colder (in some areas), and Halloween is just around the corner, so let's cover something more fun and a bit spooky today. Instead of the usual tales of blood, gore, and chaos, lets us look into one of forgotten pasts and obscure lands. Where is Hyperborea?

A lot has changed attitude-wise since the 20th century ran out, but one of the things that has changed is our consideration for how weird history and the paranormal are actually quite entwined with normality in ways we never really considered. Dry materialism has never been a good enough explanation of the strangeness we see around us, only religion even bothers to point towards it and show that it is far more natural to the state of how things are than we have considered. When you stay in your daily routine or automatic thinking you tend to blind yourself from the possibility of any existence outside your dulled narrow scope. What lies out there? We might never know, but that does mean we shouldn't forgo curiosity.

That in fact has been one of the underlying themes of some of my recent stories like the ones in Cirsova #20 and Sidearm & Sorcery Volume 3. When things finally do go sideways, things you never imagined possible will be revealed as very much possible. And once that happens, the times can never go back to what they once were.

Then we will have to move on from this neutral state of waiting for normality to return or for it to spring out of thin air like magic. In many ways we were living in a dream world before--that is what the 20th century was meant to be, after all. We were to have a new normal, a new base, that would shield us from our natural state and nature. As it has fallen apart, we now know we've been missing too much of us to continue on the way we have. You can't go home again.

But, then, was it ever actually home in the first place? If not, then which is actually the dream world, and which is reality? Or maybe there's more to connect them than we originally thought. Maybe it is more complicated than 20th century materialism thought possible. In fact, that's a big part of the stories in Star Wanderers. Even in a future where we supposedly know more, there will always be much that is still out of our grasp. It's just the nature of things.
As the above video from the YouTube channel Midnight Broadcast shows, people have been considering this subject for a long time. It is a good reason why the writers of Weird Tales are still the most influential of the 20th century, even a century removed from the magazine's formation. They were the few still considering these questions while the pocket protector set were attempting to force convert everyone to dated Science that would rule our every waking moment. Of course, I already wrote about them in The Last Fanatics. What we are dealing with now is what they were trying to replace for their own new world order of eggheads.

So as you get closer to Halloween, consider just how much we don't know about what is waiting in the between, and how much we'll never know in this lifetime. Such a thing might seem frightening, but I consider it amazing. It gives off a sense of awe about just how wild all of this really is. We don't know anywhere near as much as we think we do, and that's great.

Have yourself a good weekend and get ready for November!

The cold is almost here.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Welcome to the Wolf Town

Welcome to the weekend! Hope this season has been going well for you despite the weird weather shifts. I have a few treats for you today! The first is a song. As you can tell, I've been playing around with generators.

The above is a song I generated in the newer Udio song generator I was introduced to by TheQuQu. Yes, it's a skabilly song (Ska + Rockabilly) because it's a sound I like and a sound no band seems to want to play anymore, so I decided to cobble one together. Please enjoy it at your leisure. It was a fun one to put together as an experiment, and it's not like you're going to hear it anywhere else. Perhaps these generators have more purpose than you might think.

Regardless, it exists now!

Do whatever you'd like with the track, too. The whole point was to make a fun song to do fun things with that just doesn't exist anywhere else. Not like you're going to hear a new Skabilly band anytime soon since this sound is abnormally unpopular. I also slapped together two remixes of it on the side, one acoustic and one alternative rock, so give those a shot on the site if you're so inclined. Hey, someone's gotta do something with all these abandoned genres. If this bother you, then knock me down a peg by writing some skabilly and making me happy.

But of course, this is not why I'm writing this post today. There's more to discuss. You probably want to know about writing!

In more pertinent news, the new Cirsova lineup for 2025 was announced! Who is in it, you might be wondering? Well, there is quite a list! 

Let us go through it below:

Spring 2025
Flight From Reckoning (Part 1), by Michael Tierney
The American Dream, by Rodica Bretin
Salt Roses, by Jim Breyfogle
Waegnwyrhta, by William Suboski
The Siege of Verisa, by Richard Rubin
Void Railway, by JD Cowan
The Demacron, by Gary K Shepherd
Machine Dreams for Wired People, by Jaime Faye Torkelson
Cracking the Cyber Ziggurat, by Kevan Larson
In the Last Days, by James Hutchings
Paying the Doctor’s Due, by William Drell

Summer 2025
Flight From Reckoning (Part 2), by Michael Tierney
Tigers Dream in Color, by Rodica Bretin
Black Sand, by Jim Breyfogle
Heart of the Goddess, by Harold R. Thompson
Melkart and the Rich One, by Mark Mellon
‘Twas Bato Did It, by David Skinner
Threnody Bacchant for Ruins Demoniac, by Matthew Pungitore
While the Islands Slept, by J. L. Royce
Double or Nothing, by Michael Ray
True Destiny, by Paul Lucas

Fall 2025
Drown Melancholy, by Stanley Wheeler
Labyrinth, by C. P. Webster
Ghosts in the Green, by Mike Robinson
Rossoya, by Bob Johnston
She Who Was the Sea, by J. Thomas Howard
The Whole Wide World, by Tais Teng
Ghost in the Garden, by Jim Breyfogle
Troll Fen, by Ken Lizzi
What’s He Building In There? by N. R. LaPoint
Satisfaction, by Vincent Valkier
The Merchants of Maaaw, by Mark Pellegrini
Do You Wear a Bulletproof Vest, Lieutenant?, by Rodica Bretin
Flight From Reckoning (Part 3), by Michael Tierney

Winter 2025
Flight From Reckoning (Part 4), by Michael Tierney
A Serial Killer’s Diary, by Rodica Bretin
They Always Come Back, by Frank Sawielijew
Reborn From the Blackened Bayou, by Jacob Calta
Master of the Hounds, by Misha Burnett
The Gallowsport Resurrections, Daniel J. Minucci
Pact of the Ruin Witch, by J. E. Tabor
Dreams of an Eden, by Jed Jalico Del Rosario
The Fang of Yog-Bora, by Blake Carpenter
Cool Beans, by Teel James Glenn
An Elegant Adventure, by Jim Breyfogle

That's quite a lineup, but you might not have noticed one of the stories in the Spring issue is by yours truly. That's right, I made it into Cirsova for the third time!

But what is Void Railway about? You'll just have to wait and see! It won't actually be a very long wait for this one. Suffice to say, those who enjoyed Star Wanderers (please leave a review!) will definitely be excited. It is time once again to see what our old friend Ronan Renfield is up to. I assume more chaos!

Also, in case you missed it, I also have a story in the most recent issue of Cirsova! It is called "Mirage Carousal" and is a story of a man on a motorcycle with an Uzi and a mission to complete. Things get quite hairy and intense in this one. It's also a surprisingly explicit story from me, though you'll see why that is when you read it. The end of the world is a messy place.

And if you want more, the follow-up to "Mirage Carousal" is in Sidearm & Sorcery Volume Three. It's called "What's It Like in There?" and gets even more nuts. It's one of the longest short stories I've ever written. The end of the world goes sideways--or is there more to it than you think? Read on and find out!

At this point, it's safe to assume if you read a story by me, it's going to be crazy. I like to go all out after all. All these stories are also related in ways that are not always obvious on the surface level. Though these two are probably more obvious examples.

I also have another story that is very close to release, but the publisher is waiting on the cover to come in first before the announcement becomes official. When it does, I can go into further detail. Suffice to say, there is more to come from ,e. The year's not quite over just yet!

That's all for this weekend. I hope you're having a good one, and I will see you next time. Have a good spooky season!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Someone I Don't Know

Hey all, I've been kind of down in the last few weeks, by both life and health. If you've got some prayers, I could use them. Regardless, there isn't a lot to mention. I'm still working behind the scenes between recovery periods.

So today I wanted to share this video about a strange internet figure who didn't turn out to be some kind of creep. In fact, he only got more eccentric as the years went by.

All this is just to say that things don't always get worse. Sometimes you won't even know how much has changed until you wake up one day and see just how much has changed. You never know just what's going to happen.

Anyway, that's all for now! I hope you're having yourself a good October and I will hopefully see you sooner than later. Have a good weekend!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Paperbacks From Hell, Revisited!

Welcome to the weekend! It's time to head back to the past for a bit.

Today I wanted to share this clip from the Paperback Warrior podcast (their site is pretty good, too) which talks about the Paperbacks From Hell line of Horror Books. It's not a long piece, but it's one of the few I've seen that properly highlights just what this project is.

For those unaware, "Paperbacks From Hell" is named after a book written by Grady Hendrix which aimed to cover that period of the late 20th century where horror books were given striking and evocative covers to match the wild stories within. Sometimes you'd get unhinged madness that outdid even the cover, sometimes you'd get a mismatched pairing between the two, and yet others the cover would be the most exciting part, and yet it was always a treat to dig for them and search for a true gem. You never knew quite what you were going to get! I reviewed it here.

It goes without saying that the book did really well, highlighting a period in the industry that was both successful and fruitful, to the point that publisher Valancourt Books got an idea in their head: why not republish those old books again, but also in their original pocket paperback dimensions as well as the original art? And so they have, and to this date just over 20 old school horror books from that period have been rescued from obscurity and given a second chance at life.

You can find their full listing on their site here, and you can also find them on Amazon itself proper.

I've personally read both Nightblood and The Spirit (which actually got a new cover that is better than the original) from their line and even reviewed them both. You can read my review for Nightblood here and The Spirit here. The former is like a better and more satisfying version of 'Salem's Lot and the latter is a sasquatch story about madness and obsession. Both are very much worth reading. I also recently got my hands on a copy of Let's Go Play at the Adams' which I will hopefully be able to cover in time for Halloween. We shall see. Nonetheless, there is no shortage of books to look over for yourself and see what hits.

It's a shame that we've lost so much on out journey through the later half of the 20th century in our quest to speed-run "Progress" that we've forgotten and tripped over everything on our way to get to the end of a road that has no end. Going faster and faster hasn't lead to any changes, just overblown heightened expectations and burned out creators. Not only are they rarely even on the same page anymore but nobody can even agree on what what to steer the ship. It's one big mess of no one being satisfied anymore.

Regardless, there's a always a chance things could change in the future, and one of the ways it could is in revisiting what we might have missed and learning lessons we might have forgotten or never even got to have. Check out Paperbacks From Hell (the line and the book), and see how things used to be. You might be surprised at how much we've forgotten along the way.

That's all for this week! I hope you have a good weekend. Remember that the Phantom Mission serial finished with Chapter 15 this week, Star Wanderers could use some reviews, and the newest issue of Cirsova is out with a story by yours truly in it! It's been a busy time!

I'll see you next time as we head into Autumn! What surprises await us there? I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

New Release ~ Cirsova #20!

Find it Here!

Here we are at the tail-end of summer with another new release! Hope you've been surviving the annoying weather shifts. This time we're going to cover the newest issue of Cirsova, featuring some great writers and talent of the like you might have missed out on. In particular, we're going to talk about issue #20.

And I'm also in this one! It's been a while since I was in an issue of Cirsova, but I can tell you that it was worth the wait!

My story in this issue is called "Mirage Carousal" a tale as odd as its title. This one is of a man named Nick who appears to be riding his motorcycle alone in the middle of the end of the world. Guns, mist monsters, and witchery follows. If you've read "What's It Like in There?" in Sidearm & Sorcery Volume 3 that name might be familiar to you. That is because the two stories are very much related. (I do recommend reading this one first, however!)

But this release, of course is not even close to just about me! There are many other writers with stories to consider in this issue.

Here is the full listing of stories:

The Superior Griefs
(Part 3)

The Gravedigger 2 is on its way to Earth with not one but two packs of Griefs! The fate of the galaxy will be decided, with Earth in the balance, as a secret Artomique base prepares to play host to their meeting with Isshla Superior, Earth’s Superior Grief!

The Short Unhappy Immortality of Owen McKinty
An ancient vampire has plotted his long revenge against the family that has warred with him and hunted his kind for years and found a new ally in a small-time thug!

Beneath the Samite Shroud of the Grave Sphinx
An artist is shaken by the death of his patron who hosted the pleasure-seeking New England demimonde! His latest painting is haunted by visions of a mythic creature!

In the Thrall of Tessa Nyx
Psychic? Clairvoyant? Soothsayer? Whether she is a fraud or the genuine article, Tessa Nyx is in town giving live readings at a large event and needs protection!

The Ragged Red Masque at Carter’s Hall
Love blooms between a girl and a young man held captive by a stepmother who wants his fortune—only a troupe of Irish rovers can help the forlorn couple escape!

Necromancing the Stone
‘Just deliver the box.’ When a job is this easy, Jack Silence, PI and Parafey elimina-tor, knows it’s trouble! But who could say no to a gorgeous Elf offering five grand?!

She is beautiful beyond words, a sprite of the desert! None may possess her, though those who share her embrace will never know joy or happiness again!

Mirage Carousal
When a coven of witches all but ushers in the end of the world, Nick seeks the one dissenter in an illusory wasteland of violence and degeneracy, offering redemption!

In the Garden of Madness
Thomas Nolan, “Saint” Tommy, has been called in on a strange murder: a teenage girl has been murdered and seemingly dragged under the earth… by plants!

Melkart on the Isle of the Damned
Melkart’s business partner is drugged and kidnapped and their goods taken with-out payment! The Brotherhood intends a human sacrifice to summon an evil god!

A Vested Interest
Clock, the mystic warden of Coney Island, is on the trail of two killers... who have been recently brought back to life by the dark powers they serve: the Isaloge!

Dancing with the Indians
Psychic agent Lorena has fallen captive to French and Indian raiders… As the orgy of violence begins, she realizes her powers of suggestion have failed her!

My Name is John Carter [Part 19]

Otis Stein

You can find the newest issue of Cirsova here!

Check it out for some good fun adventure! There's more coming, including from yours truly, but it's not yet time to reveal what those are. Instead, please check out Star Wanderers (and leave a review) as well as Phantom Mission on the Patreon. It's been a busy year with quite a lot going on, so be sure to catch up if you're still behind. Because there's even more on the way!

Thank you for all your support, and I will see you next time!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Weekend Lounge ~ Zillion, Revisited!

Welcome to the weekend, I hope it's been a good week for you. Here is a last minute change of plans! I was not expecting this, but a perusal of my spam folder (if you sent me something and I didn't answer you, this might be the reason!) showed me a message from the creator of today's project. Stick around, because this is a good one!

Today we're covering a brand new fandub of the classic anime Zillion, a series that I covered on Wasteland & Sky ages ago. However, I believe the edition I covered is out of print now that Funimation has been absorbed by Sony. If you haven't seen the series, the first two episodes of the new fandub are up right now and as good a time as any to get into it. You can find the channel currently hosting the project here!

For those who need a refresher, Zillion was one of the original modern multimedia projects back in the day, being a light gun game by Sega on the Master system as well as one of the first anime produced by Production IG (in cooperation with Tatsunoko Productions) and is a great old time. Though a late '80s production, it has a sort of warmth and excitement to it that ran through anime in the '70s into the '90s before dying out in the new millennium. The series also holds up very well today despite not being very modern. That just helps it stand out all the more.

So what's Zillion about? One word: Adventure!

It's the future and humanity is expanding out into the galaxy. An unstoppable alien force has emerged out of nowhere, threatening our very way of lige, and now humanity's hope rests in the skills and quick trigger-fingers of a group of good-natured teenagers with attitude. With their super guns, ATVs that turn into mecha suits, and episodic adventures featuring exciting and inventive action set pieces every week, join our main trio as the get closer and closer to saving humanity and get better and better at doing just that.

They don't make 'em like that anymore, and, to be honest, they were already starting to turn away from making them like that even when Zillion was around and doing well. Regardless, this series is an easy recommend, especially for kids, and has a vibe that anyone can get into. The series is just unbridled joy and fun to watch with a surprisingly high production value and animation quality for a show that only ran slightly longer than a typical anime season of its time. Perhaps its multimedia origins helped it stand out, but it also helped it age very well.

Give the series a chance. It's still a great watch today.

The second episode of the brand new fandub is below. If you sub you can even watch more as they come out in the future! Unfortunately the original series is not available for streaming, and with Funimation gone the physical release is certainly out of print and not being released again anytime soon, so who knows if there will be another way to watch it in the near future. As well all know, streaming is not a good way to preserve anything as it is, so options are dwindling for a lot of things that should be much more easily preserved. Anyway, I digress.

Here is episode two:

Once again, the channel is available here.

That's all for this week! As a writing update, I just received an acceptable from two different magazines and will talk about those when I can. At the same time, there is one chapter of Phantom Mission left for next week, so get on the Patreon and catch up! 

At the same time, I just put the cap on another short story that will release in the future. It's been a productive time. I've got a few more I want to finish off for the end of the year, so send some prayers out that I'll be able to do it. We all know as we get into Autumn that things start to get trickier both weather-wise and in other things.

Lastly, I just put out a new episode of the podcast for backers, as well. This one is on Y Signal and '90s Nostalgia. I talk quite a bit about how they mix in the episode here. If you ever wanted to know more about the behind the scenes on that weird tale, this is the place to hear it!

Thanks again for your support, especially in this tenth anniversary of Wasteland & Sky! I never thought we would be around this long back when I started, so it's very humbling to see that not only are we still around, but still thriving at the same time.

There's also a lot more to come, so stick around, and just wait! You're going to love it. We've only just begun.

The underground city reveals its true form! Can our heroes stop the madness and reach the surface again? It's time for the final encounter! One Chapter left until the finale!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Big Book Sale Strikes Back!

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Welcome back, all! Hope you're doing well.

This week we're going to take a look at the newest big book sale created in time for Based Con! There are a handful of these sales a year, and few that I'm involved in, so I thought I would point them out for those who might not have noticed. There are plenty of works on sale for this week and it is hard to go through and pick some of them out.

But I'm going to try and do just that!

Firstly, My book in the sale this time is Grey Cat Blues, one of my earliest (and in fact my second released), and was the one that fundamentally changed how I saw writing. For those who missed it, I recommend now as the jumping on point.

"Siege on the Shadow Planet!

"Ex-punk Two Tone is left for dead and his friend is taken. His assailants: men of mud from some place darker than Hell!

"The inscrutable Sarpedon has slithered from the depths to rule a planet that has long abandoned hope for a better tomorrow. With no one to stop his spree of violence, it is only a matter of time before Two Tone’s world is overrun.

"Old friends and a mysterious beauty gather by his side, but are they enough? Is it too late for this dying world? If all cats are grey in the dark, will anyone see the panther stalking its prey? Two Tone will find the answers the best way he knows how—through his fists!

"Grey Cat Blues tells the tale of a distant planet at humanity’s end. In this place, a man must choose between love and hate. And where his choice leads him might not be where he expects . . ."

You can find Grey Cat Blues here!

This one is pretty fast and action packed. I'm still amazed at how much I packed into that one. Be sure to give it a go if you haven't, and leave a review! Let others know what you thought of this strange book of mudmen on the rain planet.

But enough about me. Let us now go through the above list and pick out a few titles you might have missed out on. There's just so many to parse through I'm going to pick ones I have not covered in previous sales and in posts like this, so please be sure to keep an eye out if something strikes your fancy.

Also, some of the ones I mentioned in previous sale posts like this are on here once again, so if you missed out on those in other sale periods, I highly recommend picking them up this time. You never know what gem might slip under your radar. There's just so many to go through in the wild world of NewPub!

And we're about to go through some now!

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First let us start with a new school take on a classic adventure premise that was popularized by the king himself, Edgar Rice Burroughs! You can probably tell from the cover, but this one isn't exactly a typical premise these days. For this book, you have to set your mind to the classics. It's time to go to another world, or in this case, a brand new timeline!

I hope you like time travel, dinosaurs, and stone age madness, because that's exactly what you're getting in this one!

"Former soldier Andrea Herrera isn’t happy with where her life’s taken her. Specifically, Hell Creek, Montana, 65 million years before the present. As far as careers go, making sure the dinosaurs don’t eat her paleontologist clients comes in a pretty dismal second choice to serving her country. But when their time machine malfunctions, Andrea and her team are trapped in a timeline that shouldn’t exist with something a hell of a lot more dangerous than terrible lizards: other humans.

"Kidnapped by the stone-age descendants of a lost time colony, Andrea finds herself stripped of her technological advantages and forced into a war against the implacable armies of the Slaver Empire. Even worse, the Slavers have captured the time machine and the mission's one surviving paleontologist, using his futuristic weapons for their own ends.

"Andrea's only hope lies with the ferociously intelligent and violently insane tribal war-leader, Trals Scarback. Armed with his mystic sword, his trained velociraptor, and his herd of war-triceratops, this former slave has the resources and motivation to take on the empire. But can Andrea persuade him to see her as a partner rather than a tool for his ambitions? Only if she beats the barbarian at his own game and becomes the Tyrannosaur Queen."

You can find Groom of the Tyrannosaur Queen by Daniel M. Bensen here!

Find it Here!

As an example of exactly the kind of breath of fresh air that NewPub can give you, I would like to point out this work by author M. D. Boncher, which is hard to describe without just pointing to the official description. Would you consider this typical boxed up siffy as we know it from OldPub? I can't say that you could.

Check it out below:

Enter a world with no stars… no sun… no moon… no Earth. Only “the Dream”…

“An imaginative, action-packed tale that reads like a vision. If you like a bit of cyberthriller in your sci-fi... you’ll enjoy this one.”

- Kerry Nietz. Award winning author of “The Dark Trench Saga” & “Amish Vampires From Outer Space”

Winston Harper is a sky trucker down on his luck. Years of numbing his past trauma has whittled away his reputation. Blacklisted and back to the wall, Winston’s only hope of survival is a no-questions-asked contract offering pay high enough to make him forget his own name. What could possibly go wrong? When the client changes the deal and imperial security crashes the party, he’s on the run caught between the empire and a rebellion. Hauling ten containers of contraband cargo, and guided by a mysterious femme fatale who holds all the cards, death may be the better way out…

Set in a post-apocalyptic future where the lines between technology and biology have become blurred, humanity survives on the remains of the solar system scattered about in a sky of endless twilight, ruled by an alien entity. Follow Winston Harper as he becomes entangled in the struggle against the cosmic empire and potentially, the secrets of humanity's lost past… and perhaps its future?

"Dreams Within Dreams" is the first novel in a rollicking retro-futuristic Sci-Fi serial merging cyberpunk and old school pulp adventure with a touch of neo-noir intrigue. It's "Flash Gordon" meets "Smokey and the Bandit" meets "The Matrix" meets "Talespin".

You can find Dreams Within Dreams by M. D. Boncher here!

Find it Here!

For those who wonder just how much influence old school anime has had on some NewPub writers, I would point out the premise to Mech Bunny. Not that it is a bad thing, one of the reasons the medium caught on on this side of the world was  how fresh it was compared to the stale atmosphere of OldPub at the time.

All you really have to do is check out the below and you'll understand why this sort of thing resonates with so many.

"Humans won the war against the Blues, thanks in large part to the neural link they stole from the aliens. Few people can use it properly, though, and anyone with the right kind of brain gets conscripted immediately -- even ordinary high school kids.

"All Sophie wanted to do was be a dancer. She definitely hadn't planned on piloting a sixty-foot ANGEL mech with only a cranky rabbit mechanic to talk to, or fighting the genetically engineered foxes and wolves that had turned on the humans once the aliens were gone.

"She’s lost count of the battlefields she’s seen, but this next one is the worst yet. Ordered to defend a crucial forward operating base on a volcanic planet, forces are stretched thin, so she’ll have only infantry and artillery support, no other ANGELs.
One girl, one rabbit, and one giant robot up against creatures designed to be relentless soldiers.

"Creatures who have mechs of their own.


You can find Mech Bunny by J. M. Anjewierden here!

Find it Here!

Formerly a serialization, Rattan gets straight to the point, as all of Marquis' works do. Are you interested in high action in a far off place far from the mundane? Then this is exactly what you've been looking for.

Rattan is certainly no exception!

"Rattan was born to build.

"She’s even bolted together her own custom robot.

"There’s nothing she’d rather spend her days on…

"But she’s happy to to report to academy for her nation’s military draft of all second-born children.

"After all, isn’t a model citizen eager to serve her elites?

"She dives into the harsh tutelage of Master Koscha, willing to give her all to comrades and country.

"But when her best friend is murdered, Rattan is set on a path that she may not return from.

"Rattan is a science fantasy survival story for teens and up, with a melancholy vibe but no shortage of heart.

"Originally published on Kindle Vella."

You can find Rattan by TJ Marquis here!

Find it Here!

For a bit of a different selection, let us try some essays. And not just any essays, but those by the unparalleled John C. Wright! If one has spent any time reading his blog over the years then you know you're in for a treat with a work like this.

This book in particular covers wonder stories, so you know it's perfect for NewPub, never mind just this sale.

"Peek into the heart of Science Fiction!

"From John Carter’s Mars to that of C. S. Lewis, Science Fiction astounds us with wonder.

"Science Fiction Grandmaster John C Wright here presents essays on topics both deep and trivial surrounding the strange and wonderful worlds of science fiction and fantasy. Thoughtful, humorous, deep, or absurd, Wright travels the width of the cosmos and plumbs the deeps of eternity through the lens of simple space adventure stories to say what these flights of fancy say about life on earth, and the secrets hidden in the human heart."

You can find From Barsoom to Malacandra by John C. Wright here!

On top of the above, there is a new feature this time--a sidebar! Click on the sidebar and you can scroll through just the titles and click on them to be brought to their summary on the page and check the title out for yourself. It's a handy feature to help parse through the unbelievable selections on offer. Give it a shot and see for yourself! You might be surprised just how many gems there are, especially compared to the shriveling up scene of OldPub.

That's all for this post, otherwise it would go on forever, but I do highly recommend spending a bit of time perusing the sale for yourself. There's so much great work out there by so many talented writers that really do deserve the support. Judge for yourself by looking over the exciting covers and descriptions for yourself.

The sale page is here!

Thank you for reading, and I will see you next time!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Down in Miami II

In the distant future, Earth is trapped in ruin from excessive decadence. The only thing that can break it out is discovering a truth long buried and forgotten. What are the Phantoms, and what do they really want? What is the secret to this state of decay?

What you are looking at is the trailer for my current serialized story, Phantom Mission. The music was composed by one Jacob Calta of 365 Infantry fame, who did a killer job. I wanted to get the vibe of the story off in a small minute and a half preview, and this is what came out. The full version of the track is available to backers on the Patreon, so if you want more you get it here. Trust me, the whole thing is a banger.

We are rounding the bend on the conclusion of the first part of what is looking to be three in the overall serialized Phantom War story. If you want to back to read Phantom Mission, which is the opening act, you can join the Patreon right now and have access not only to that, but also exclusive updates and podcast episodes you can't get anywhere else. While I'll still be posting here, backers will get more on top of what is usually released to the public.

If you want to read this ongoing epic before anyone else (because it will be a long time before I can get it out to the public), then be sure to back the Patreon today! It'll really help me in getting more material out faster for everyone involved.

In other news, as recently revealed to backers, I just passed 30 written short stories. That's a crazy number to reach, and I've still got more on the way.

As for any new news on that front, my story "Mirage Carousal" will be in the next issue of Cirsova coming out in September!

Here is the cover:

Preorder it here!

The description of "Mirage Carousal":

Mirage Carousal
When a coven of witches all but ushers in the end of the world, Nick seeks the one dissenter in an illusory wasteland of violence and degeneracy, offering redemption!

If you read my piece in Sidearm & Sorcery Volume 3 then you might recognize the name of the main character here! There is a good reason for that. If you have not read either I would recommend starting with Mirage Carousal first then moving onto What's it Like in There? in S&S3. The reason for that will become clearer once you read them both.

Related to new stories, I've also got a few more completed and submitted to different markets, but have no idea of their current status, so I will keep you posted when I am able to. At the same time, I'm also working my way through other pieces, as well as the sequel to Phantom Mission. There's quite a bit on the way.

And I've got even more on the way.

I guess it was little more than a small update today, but I think it's a solid one worth sharing. The year's not done yet, so keep an eye out! You're bound to see a few more surprises before it's up.