Saturday, April 22, 2023

Weekend Lounge ~ Old Internet Tales

Hello! Good to see you again. I'm sorry for the silence for the past week, but I've been working very diligently on finishing off the Gemini Man trilogy and preparing for the crowdfund and some stuff in real life has also taken priority. It's sure going to be nice once this hill has been climbed, I can tell you that much!

So, today I wanted to share with you this little nugget from a forgotten era of Gen Y internet history, but before it got defined by what it is now. The subject is early YouTube and the wild west days of the internet; the topic is an early internet series known as Captain S. No, not Captain N: The Game Master, and not the web comic Captain SNES, but nearly work from the now defunct ScrewAttack (who also had another little series called the Angry Video Game Nerd), itself a relic of the way things were before everything became corporatized and stock.

Captain S was an early attempt to create a TV series on a much smaller budget with a bit of a quirky idea. Think old early 1990s series like Saved By the Bell or Full House mixed with the game hopping adventures of the Captain N: The Game Master cartoon, and in a strange rubber band reality where the console wars are eternally stuck in 1990 (though the games themselves can be from later years) and you might be able to guess what they were attempting. It's worth seeing, if only for the fact there is nothing really like this made anymore, and couldn't be without too much winking irony or intrusive computer effects. They don't make them like this anymore.

It is also nice hearing from a member of a younger generation who doesn't have quite the same context for why things were what they were and has to puzzle it out himself. Again, it really highlights how much has changed, even when it is difficult to understand just how much it has at times. The old internet is gone, but it can never really be replaced.

So check out the above video and immerse yourself in the way things were once done and learn what we might have tomorrow. It's only by learning from the past that we can truly grow, after all. Captain S seems to highlight exactly this lesson.

Perhaps I keep looking this stuff up because of how stock and standard so much of our climate of art and entertainment has become, but you will note how different the expectations and view of the world was back before it all was poisoned with bitter irony and an overwhelming sense of self-hatred that permeates everything now. Despite how silly it might be, there is still something to be gained from even this. There is always something to be gained from the past, whether we like it or not. No matter how much we might dislike it--that is never going to change.

Thanks for reading and I will see you again next time! Hopefully by then I will have some good news to share with you. Until then, have a good spring. The cold has finally departed and the warmth is here. Enjoy it until the summer screw it up!

BONUS Video: The same creator also made a video tracing the early days of the Nostalgic Critic. The perfect irony of a nostalgic look at a nostalgic character is interesting enough, but it is another look at just how different the early days of internet video making really was compared to now. It was a whole different world--before it went insane.

Have a good weekend! Stay safe and I will see you next time. By then I will have much more to share with you, God willing!

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