Saturday, April 29, 2023

Weekend Lounge ~ Dead Hollywood Theory

Welcome to the weekend once again!

We've talked many times about Cultural Ground Zero or Dead Internet Theory in many of these spaces, but one thing we do not discuss is Dead Hollywood Theory, the theory that the former masters of our art and entertainment are not only not around anymore, but there is a constant attempt by those that remain to trick you that they in fact, are not.

One of the most recent examples of this was the revelation that Cartoon Network, once the home for children's entertainment in mass media, no longer appeals to their main demographic. In fact, children do not even watch television anymore (just as we've posited that they do not watch modern movies either) but instead stick to online spaces from YouTube to short video content on other multi-billion dollar sites, but none of these things are run by Hollywood. No, not at all. Oddly enough, it appears that their only audience is a quickly shrinking chunk of the cohort that gave them attention as children. All these old industries are dying.

The reason Hollywood and every other ancient industry keeps sticking to reviving old IP is because they only know how to scrapie for money from the old audience they still have: Millennials who demand constant updated moral revision to their sacred texts, thereby refreshing the old scripture of their youth. They have no new customers coming in.

What do I mean? I mean the fact that the average viewer of the Cartoon Network television station for children, is now nearly 30 years old. Believe it or not, this is the reality we live in now.

And this is their daytime audience, the time when the majority of that age demographic are at work or indisposed with real life activities. Even there they overwhelm the children audience.

This doesn't even mention the recent revelation that Cartoon Network is also expanding their Adult Swim block (a block that has been around since Millennials were children) up to 8pm and into Primetime viewing. In other words, they are catering to adults now, not children. This revelation raises a lot of questions about the maturity level of the content on the network being so much lower than when they were for children, but I digress. Just like the comic book industry, they have given up on growth. All that remains is a slow circling of the drain until death.

But this is not the reason for today's post.

I only bring that up as an example of a wider trend currently occurring. There is an effort among those in charge to puff their chests and pretend the emperor's clothes are not only spotless, but grander than they've ever been before.

Did you know how much of what Hollywood puts out is actually fake? How much of their advertising is a misfire, how much of their revenue is misreported, how much of their streaming watch stats are absolutely botched?

It turns out, nearly all of it. Not only that, but their self-imposed feedback loop of egoism and advertising dollars thrown into the furnace of their own delusions has lead them into a spin cycle into irrelevance. Cartoon Network isn't the only old relic of Cultural Ground Zero that is little else but a husk for a generation that has nowhere else to turn to.

Hollywood is dying. Technology is changing, but so are audience's tastes, and it is all thanks to a system that has taken to chasing its own tail than engaging with whatever dwindling crowd still gives them attention. It's all fake.

Check out the above video to see just how artificial modern Hollywood is and how bad things really are there. It should also tell you just how little it provides what the audience wants. They aren't actually catering to anyone, just indulging in mindless egoism in their own shoddily constructed mirror. Forget Dead Internet Theory (which is quickly proving itself real with events like this), let us instead see this as proof of Dead Hollywood Theory.

The old ways are ending. It is time to prepare accordingly.


  1. Perpetual Year 0 syndrome stems from Millennials' & Zoomers' inability to cope with their utter cultural fleecing by older generations.

    They can't believe the longlongago was that much better. Proof that it was causes CogDis, so all evidence must be erased.

    The same forces are behind the resurgence in skepticism about the moon landing. Folks who grew up long after the last moon mission can't imagine how NASA did it w/ less processing power than they have in their pockets.

    1. In their admittedly meager defense, NASA has been so useless for so long that they probably can't imagine them accomplishing anything at all.

  2. We probably have to wait still many, many years to see these ruins crumble into dust, but, oh boy, it's gonna be a show when it will happen.
